

Información de contramina

Obtenga más información sobre la gama de detectores de metales de minas terrestres de Minelab, incluidos los requisitos de un detector de minas, manuales y guías de productos y evaluaciones de detectores de minas antipersona de Minelab.

The Minelab Countermine Advantage
Useful information about Minelab Countermine Detectors and why Minelab excels in satisfying the procurement needs of all customers.
Requirements of a Mine Detector
Learn about the requirements of Minelab's Countermine detectors and how each product meets our standards of operational safety.
Countermine Evaluations
Read evaluations of our mine detectors from numerous reputable organisations from around the world.
Product Manuals & Guides
Download instruction manuals and guides for Countermine products.
Discontinued products
A list of all Minelab discontinued products.

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