Minelab is committed to providing you, as a Minelab detectorist, with excellent Customer Care; by this we mean, your ‘after purchase’ experience with Minelab.
Our Customer Care Charter aims to communicate the standard we set in supporting you, the detectorist, and by which we measure ourselves. In the unlikely event you have an issue with our products or services after making a purchase, this charter describes what you should expect from us.
Minelab detectors are easy enough to operate so you can get started detecting right out of the box. The detectors also offer a range of features and functions that can be customised to suit your preferences as your detecting experience grows. Whatever your level of expertise, Minelab offers a range of resources freely available to support you. From learning the basics through to expert know how, we’ve got it covered.
Within our website you can visit our Knowledge Base for explanations of common detecting terms, Minelab’s key technologies, frequently asked questions and much more. We also have an online community where you can pick up tips and tricks from our expert bloggers at Treasure Talk or through our videos on our YouTube channel.
If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, we would love to help, so please contact us.
All Minelab detectors are engineered in Australia, manufactured to exacting standards in ISO 9001/2008 quality accredited facilities, and backed by a 3-year transferable warranty*. If something does go wrong with your detector, you can rest assured our fully qualified service team is here to help you out. With Minelab service centres in the U.S. (Chicago), Australia (Adelaide), Ireland (Cork) and partner service centres in Russia, Sudan, Zimbabwe and South Africa, there is always someone available to offer you great support. If your detector requires a non-warranty repair, we will always advise you of the costs up front, so that you can make an informed decision before we start any work.
Австрали (Аделаида), АНУ (Чикаго), Европын Ирланд (Корк), АНЭУ (Дубай) дахь оффисууд, дэлхийн 60 гаруй оронд байрлах дилер, жижиглэн худалдааны газруудаар дамжуулан таныг хангах хэн нэгэн байдаг гэдэгт та итгэлтэй байна. орон нутгийн дэмжлэг. Minelab-ийн бүс нутгийн байгууллагуудын холбоо барих мэдээллийг манай холбоо барих хуудсыг үзнэ үү. Minelab-ийн дэлхийн өнцөг булан дахь дилерүүд болон жижиглэнгийн дэлгүүрүүд байрлуулахын тулд манай хуудсыг хаанаас авах талаар мэдээлэл авна уу.
If you have need to contact us, we promise you a response. We endeavour to respond by:
We want you to know that we do measure ourselves against our turn-around time and take actions to ensure we meet this turn-around time in at least 90% of repairs.
Минелаб нь ISO9001: 2015 сертификаттай компани гэдгээрээ бахархдаг. ISO 9001 бол байгууллага нь үйлчлүүлэгчдийнхээ эрэлт хэрэгцээг хангахад туслах зорилготой олон улсын чанарын удирдлагын систем юм. Гуравдагч этгээдийн гэрчилгээжүүлэх байгууллагууд бие даасан аудит, баталгаажуулсан байгууллагууд ISO 9001 стандартын шаардлагыг хангасан болохыг баталгаажуулдаг. ISO 9001 бол хамгийн өргөн хэрэглэгддэг менежментийн системийн стандарт юм. Үүнд:
Minelab’s Mission, Vision and Values serve to guide us in everything we do. As a member of the Codan group of companies we are also guided by Codan’s ideology.
To create and deliver products of extraordinary technology and quality to suit your needs.
To be recognised by you as having the World’s Best Metal Detection Technologies.
We believe in communication and a strong customer focus.
We work together to find innovative solutions that add value.
We have integrity and respect for people.
Core Purpose
Core Values
Core Outcomes
We strongly value your feedback, whether it is positive or negative, it’s an important element in our continuous improvement process.
We aim to resolve complaints within 24 hours. If for some reason your complaint should take longer to resolve we are committed to keeping you updated throughout the process.
Feedback or complaints can be made by email, phone or in writing to your regional Minelab office. For details please see our contact us page.
We respect your privacy and take it seriously. You can be assured that any information you share with Minelab will remain confidential. For further details about our practices regarding the information we collect from you please see our Privacy Policy.
*Some exclusions may apply, please refer to the limited product warranty conditions for further details.
Please note this Customer Care Charter sets out the standards to which all Minelab staff strive to achieve and is not a legally binding document. Whilst we are committed to do everything we can to meet these expectations for each and every one of our customers there may be times when this is simply not possible. We thank you for your understanding of this.
Minelab's Customer Care Charter is also available to download as a PDF below.
Minelab-Customer-Care-Charter-Nov2011.pdf - 932.29 KB